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Growth Problem with my Sweet Gelato Auto®



Hola Sweet Seeds! I had a problem with a Sweet Gelato Auto® Seeds pack (3+1). 2 plants of this strain had genetic problem. The first planted in June, and the second planted now, in november. I send you a photo of boht plant


With the first plant I did topping for trying recover her, but I had no result. Actually with the new one I did nothing, but is the same result as the old one



- Shop where you bought the seeds: “Kingston Grow Shop” (Italy, Sicily, TP)

-Date of the Pack of seeds: “25 nov 2018”

-Lot No: Lot n° 669

-Quantity of seeds with the same problem: 2 seeds of the same pack with the problem

-Indoor or outdoor cultivation site: indoor cultivation

-Used light and light cycle in case of indoor: HPS 250W 18/6 light cycle

-Types of fertilizer used to date, type and mark of substrate: As fertilizer I used advanced nutrients for first plant (vodoo juice for roots) in the second plant no Fertilizer for the moment for avoid problem. Substrate soil biobizz light mix


WhatsApp Image 2019-11-26 at 08.24.35 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2019-11-26 at 08.24.35.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2019-11-26 at 08.24.36 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2019-11-26 at 08.24.36.jpeg

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5 answers to this question

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Hi buddy!


Some questions: Can you share a photo showing all the plants? In both plants have you used the same soil mix from the same bag?


From what we can see in the photo you shared, it might have some type of virus. It is very easy to get confused with genetic deformations and viruses.


You can register in the forum to answer the questions, so we can help you. :)


Sweet smokes!


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I didn’t use the same bag of soil, because a plant started in June and the second plant started in November with a new soil bag

Anyway I planted the last seed of the same pack with the same soil bag and is going good now.


Sweet gelato planted in November:




Both biobizz light mix soil but different bag

Another plant started in June with the same soil bag of the first sweet gelato :




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Hi buddy!


It may have been affected by a virus, probably tomato mosaic virus or tobacco mosaic virus (These viruses also affect cannabis)


I leave you a link, in case you are interested in knowing more about this type of virus:




If you have more questions or want to talk more about the situation, you can register and we will help you as much as possible.


Sweet xmas!


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Hi buddy!


It may have been affected by a virus, probably tomato mosaic virus or tobacco mosaic virus (These viruses also affect cannabis)


I leave you a link, in case you are interested in knowing more about this type of virus:




If you have more questions or want to talk more about the situation, you can register and we will help you as much as possible.


Sweet xmas!



Buena información que se expone ahí, jamás leí algo sobre estos virus.

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