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Cream Mandarine XL Auto® and Dark Devil Auto® for outdoor



hola guys, and merry christmas

I had ordered yesterday Cream Mandarine XL Auto®, and Dark Devil Auto® (order reference ********)

I will use them for outdoor grow on soil, few on the ground, and few on lids.

I would like to know what fertilizers you recomend to me for those, grow and budding or any other more needed in case, because i've done some research by myself but i get more confused than to find solution.

Also as the strains are autos, when i must need to change from grow fertilizing to blooming one or any other useful info you can give me about them, as for examle if they are reactig well to topings and LST

thaks in advance

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5 answers to this question

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Hi buddy :)


For growth:

-Root stimulator.

-If the soil where you grow is poor in nutrients: Organic fertilizer for growth (rich in nitrogen)


For flowering:

-Fertilizer for flowering.

-Flowering stimulator.


Then there are other types of fertilizers that you can use such as: Sugars, beneficial microbes, etc.


Many brands sell packs with all the basics.


When to start using flowering fertilizers? Approximately at 3-4 weeks. Everything will depend on the growth of the plant.


As for the topings and LST, you can read an article we have about it: https://sweetseeds.com/en/todo-sobre-la-poda-de-tus-plantas-de-marihuana/


If you have more questions, register and we will help you solve them.


Sweet Xmas!


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Hi buddy :)


For growth:

-Root stimulator.

-If the soil where you grow is poor in nutrients: Organic fertilizer for growth (rich in nitrogen)


For flowering:

-Fertilizer for flowering.

-Flowering stimulator.


Then there are other types of fertilizers that you can use such as: Sugars, beneficial microbes, etc.


Many brands sell packs with all the basics.


When to start using flowering fertilizers? Approximately at 3-4 weeks. Everything will depend on the growth of the plant.


As for the topings and LST, you can read an article we have about it: https://sweetseeds.com/en/todo-sobre-la-poda-de-tus-plantas-de-marihuana/


If you have more questions, register and we will help you solve them.


Sweet Xmas!



Hi, thank you for answer

I know all those general infos.

i just need someone to suggest me a proper line of (bio preferable) liquid fertilizers company witch is tested and do good work for outdoor grow.

Usualy until now i was growing various seeds found on weeds i was buying for smoke from local market, or anyfriend gave me 1-2 times kush and a green poison.

(good greek and few from albania is mosty the market here, don't asking for strains no one knows exept few exceptions) so, nothing fancy from market.

Also, local stores are poor about fertilizers they sell only commercial for general gardening use.

I am also using some black molasses in the last two weeks of flowering.

So actually i don't have any experience to witch ones of all those that are in the markets on internet can be more good for me.

Too many and i get confused. Please suggest me "this" or "that" line.


Thank you again in any advance.

Edited by Oberon
spelling mistakes
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Hi, thank you for answer

i know all those general infos.

i just need someone to suggest me a proper line of (bio preferable) liquid fertilizers company witch is tested and do good work for outdoor grow.

Usualy until now i was growing various seeds or weeds i was found on local stuff buying, nothing fancy from market.

Also, local stores are poor about fertilizers (I am from greece), they sell only commercial for general gardening use

so i don't have any experience to witch ones of all that in market on internet can be more good for me.

Tnak you again in any advance.


Hi buddy,


Thank you very much for join us in our forum. We hope you like it :)


Personally, I can recommend several brands of fertilizers: Atami, Bac, BioBizz, BioCanna (Canna), Top Crop...


You can find packs like these:

-Bio Bizz: Bio Bizz Starter Pack

-Mills: Starter Pack Mills

-Top Crop: Top Crop Autoflowering Kit



The last ones I used personally, the BioCanna product range.


Sweet smokes!


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