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Grow problem with my Bloody Skunk Auto®




I've been trying to get those Bloody Skunk Auto® to germ with no luck unfortunately, only 1/5 so far have germed and it's a pretty ugly, little seedling for some reason. I'm doing everything the same as I usually do in my grows. is it possible the pack had issues?

I tried 2 straight into final pots, 1 in paper towel, 1 in solo cups. I tried switching it up to see if anything would happen.

I made sure to let the seeds sit for a few days before planting them so they could warm up.




Germination method: 2 straight into final pots, 1 in paper towel, 2 in solo cups.

I tried switching it up to see if anything would happen. Temp steady at 24-25c and rh 60%. Indoor in a tent. I’ve had 5 not sprout. I don’t have any seed pictures as I just ended up planting another in it’s place.






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Hi buddy!

A few questions before I can help you better...


What method did you use on the seed that sprouted successfully?


How long did you wait with the rest of the seeds? You don't have any pictures of the seeds?


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Sweet smokes!


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