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Deformation Sweet SkunK Auto®




Here are a few pics of Sweet SkunK Auto®. they were all in the same eviroment same feed light distance etc. They were scrogged...

Do you know what has caused the deformation of that one? The only full sucessfull auto crop i have had so far are Cream Caramel®. Think im going to stay away from autoflowers from now on. If you know why this has happend would apreciate the feedback as i cant find anything similar on forums. Cheers from scotland


sweet skunt auto_stevie_mcg_4.jpg

sweet skunt auto_stevie_mcg_4.jpg

sweet skunt auto_stevie_mcg_5.jpg

sweet skunt auto_stevie_mcg_6.jpg



Ps 3 were absolutly fine as you can see in the pics was just 1


sweet skunt auto_stevie_mcg_7.jpg

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Cheers mate!


Thanks for contacting us and for sending some photos right away.


This is a "problem" that can be seen from different perspectives. Either one of them as to do with the soil, but not exclusively the soil. I mean, what the plant is showing is very probably explained by what we can not see. In this sense, we can suspect of two different options:


1 - For some reason the roots or some part of the roots may be affected by some sort of disease of fungal attack;


2 - There may be an excessive amount of nutrients present in the soil with which the two other plants managed to deal with in some way, but with difficulty (they also show signs of the same problem, although much softer signs), while the other one probably for being a more sensitive phenotype did not manage to deal with it without showing signs of the problem.


It could also be a big deficiency of magnesium, but we suspect that most likely the problem is one of the two previously listed. We also consider that any photoperiod-dependent plant grown alongside with these three autoflowering plants and with all the same grow parameters (including same soil and same feeding) would present the same symptoms.


We don't see two healthy plants and one ill plant. We see three plants dealing with an environmental issue regarding the grow parameters. None of them looks healthy. But, in the other hand, seems like the flowers have not been affected, especially the two plants on the left side but even the plant that is more affected looks like you can still get some nice intact flowers after you manicure it.


Of course any problem that affects the leaves end up affecting the flowers, as the plant is not allowed to develop its flowers to a maximum potential, with the associated loss in final yield, but what it produced seems to be intact and has all to be a good smoke/vapor. Unless, of course, they are overfed and with a lot of uncleaned traces of fertilizer salts that negatively affect the quality of the final product.


As they are in the last few weeks of their life cycle, there's nothing you can do about it except for a flush (if you haven't yet) and harvest them before the problem gets closer to the flowers.


We wouldn't advice to stop growing autoflowering strains because of this issue, but we understand if you prefer to go with photoperiod-dependent plants if that gives you a higher confidence, so much needed to any successful grow operation.


If you want to further discuss this issue we invite you to register in our forum and leave your comments below.


Sweet smokes,



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