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My San Fernanado Lemon kush is hermaphroditic?



Hello again


I have been growing another strain from you guys and me and my friend are hitting a wall. The San Fernando Lemon Kush is turning out to be a hermie.


I have two other strains in the same tent that are both female, so I think this is more genetic related rather than stress related.


Is this something that you have experienced from this strain?


Here is the package:


san fernando lemon kush.jpg

san fernando lemon kush_1.jpg

san fernando lemon kush_2.jpg

san fernando lemon kush_3.jpg


Note: I have two different tents at two different location with two San Fernando Lemon Kush. We made two mother plants and cloned them into 7 different clones. Both mother plants are with the clones in flower mode. And all are showing hairs and balls.


We have two different setups.


Setup #1:


480w led from hipargero

Environmental controlled with 19 degrees Celsius at night and 26 degrees at daylight. Humidity is at 50-70 depending on light schedule.


Feeding is with GHE nuitrients.


Grow medium is coco


Setup #2:


480w quantum board from HLG


It has no environmental controlled room.


Nutrients from atami


Grow medium is coco


Thank you!

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Hi, my friend :tiphat:


I'm sorry to hear about this, maybe you can try to eliminate these male flowers and wait a few days. Sometimes it can appear at the beginning of the flowering.


This strain is a bit sensitive to some fertilizers and that could be the problem. You can try to give them less fertilizer to see if they get better.


We hope you can save your plant!


Sweet smokes!


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