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Order not being processed


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I have tried making in inquiry through my order, writing an E-Mail and ultimately even calling from Germany, so I'm very sorry in advance that I

have to make an English post in this forum.


I have placed the order with reference RVEZVCGWF recently, paid by bank wire on 25.03.2020...


Since then, nothing is happening with my order. The payment hasn't been received, I am not getting replies on my E-Mails, nothing. So I'm kinda feeling ripped off by now.

So with this post, I'm asking you to check PROMPTLY if any payment has been received, and DEFINITELY to work on your customer support.

So far I am not satisfied with the buying experience in ANY way and can't recommend SweetSeeds to anybody from this point, nor will I.


More than a week should not be necessary to receive a SEPA payment, OR to reply to any request, even in those difficult times. Especially because someone is obviously busy twittering every day.

Please handle this as fast as possible or issue a refund, so I can purchase somewhere else.

More, personal information and payment proof through personal messages.




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Hello buddy!

First of all, I apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused.


The fact that you have not received a response is that the day you placed the order was Saturday and the next day was Sunday. As you will understand, the staff in charge does not work on Sundays.


However, on Sunday (the day after you placed your order) the Spanish government decreed that only companies that work in basic necessities (supermarkets, pharmacies, agriculture...) should work.


That's why there was no one in the company these days.


But don't worry, I will send an email to my colleagues to get an answer as soon as possible.


If you want, send me a private message with your email and I will try to give you an answer to that mail.


I hope you understand the complicated situation we are in, and we will try to solve any situation that arises as soon as possible.


If you're interested, you can see the news here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/31/briefing/coronavirus-spain-new-york.html


Receive a greeting and take care of yourself!


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Good morning together,

With me it is from so, ordered on 23.03 from Germany (LKRAAUVIZ) , and my payment does not seem to have arrived. But I already thought, when I heard news that you are not working. Is the online shop also closed? You should have this on the website.


Please stay Healthy and Best Regards



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boa Tarde me chamo Huzeiffah estou em mozambique maputo em africa necessito de comprar as suas sementes como me ajudam com isso? obrigado


Hello, currently cannabis seeds cannot be sent to Mozambique. Due to the laws of the country, it is forbidden to send cannabis seeds by courier.


(PT: Olá, actualmente não podem ser enviadas sementes de canábis para Moçambique. Devido à legislação do país, é proibido o envio de sementes de canábis por correio.)


Sweet smokes!


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Hi, I placed the following order (JQIHTINPS) some time ago. I also transfer the money on the 18th. March, but the current status of my order is still "Awaiting bank wire payment". Did you receive my payment, because the money was also debited from my account. Also I send two emails but they were not answered.


Greetings and stay healthy!

- Janek

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Hola, el viernes cogí semillas por internet a contrarreembolso, todavía no me han llegado. Quería saber si hay algún problema por el Covid. Sólo saber si van a tardar mas en llegar.


Hola monii,


Posiblemente el motivo por el que se retrase tu pedido pueda deberse al estado actual que están sufriendo los servicios de entrega. Por ejemplo, Correos están trabajando con un horario reducido y con menos personal.


No podemos garantizarte una fecha exacta, pero hay que tener en cuenta que en esta situación todas las entregas pueden verse retrasadas.





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