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Best Sweet Seeds® Video Award [OPEN]

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250,00€ in cash


120 Sweet Seeds® Points


Special Trophy for the Best Video








2nd Prize


80 Sweet Seeds® Points






3rd Prize


50 Sweet Seeds® Points






How to Participate + Contest Rules



1. How to Participate:


1.1 - This contest is only for registered users who are already participating in the 6th Sweet Seeds® Grow Diary Competition;


1.2 - Publish a post with a video from the grow diary with plants from the Sweet Seeds® genetic collection in this precise thread, including a title for the video. The title must include the name of the featured strain(s);


1.3 - We will not accept videos of plants that are not featured in the Sweet Seeds® 2019 or 2020 catalog;


1.4 - A video is accepted as valid participation when published between the 12th of May and 23h59m (UTC time, London) of the 5th of June 2020;


1.5 - Commercial mods, as well as forum users who have any kind of contractual professional relationship with Sweet Seeds® or any other seed company, can't participate in this contest. Non-commercial mods can participate;



2. Contest Rules:


2.1 - Each contestant can participate with only 1 video. If you publish more than 1 video, we will only consider the first one as valid;


2.2 - The updated logo of Sweet Seeds® must be included in the video. If you do not have it, you can download it from the Sweet Seeds® official website.


2.3 - The videos have to be originals, authorship of the participant. Using videos from other person, when detected, originates the permanent elimination from the contest automatically and without previous warning. Besides that a report will be sent to the forum administration so that they can decide if any additional measure should be taken;


2.4 - The minimum duration of the video must be 1 minute;


2.5 - Sweet Seeds® reserves the right to use the winning videos in marketing campaigns, Sweet Seeds® websites, publications in the Sweet Seeds® fan page at Facebook/Twitter/Instagram (always rigorously respecting the anonymity of the author), Twitter, etc. Even though, the authors of the videos can keep using them to any other means as they keep their rights over the videos;


2.6 - The contest is ruled and administrated based on the most elemental fraternity and fair play principles. Any lack of respect, offence or attempt to discredit or defame the contest will leave the prevaricator out of the contest and at the mercy of administrative sanction.




3. Election of the Winners:


3.1 -Between the 5th and the 10th of June, the Sweet Seeds® jury (composed of a minimum of 4 members) will choose the winners through an internal vote. Each member of the jury will give 10 points to his/her favourite video, 7 points to the 2nd favourite, 5 points to the 3rd, 3 points to the 4th and 2 points to the 5th. The points will be added to obtain the winners and the results will be published between the 12th and the 15th of June 2020;


3.2 - Each judge attributes the points according to their subjective evaluation of the videos published in the thread of this contest. In the evaluation of the videos the jury will be based on basic criteria such as: image quality, beauty of the images, creativity, framing, focus, sharpness, originality, visual impact, etc.




4. Shipping the Prizes:


4.1 - Sweet Seeds® is responsible to send the prizes according to the "Competition Rules" of the 6th Sweet Seeds® Grow Dairy Competition. Please read them again.



5. Validation of Participation:


5.1 - All the users of this forum that submit a video to this contest automatically assume the full reading and full acceptance of this How to Participate + Contest Rules text and the "Competition Rules" of the 6th Sweet Seeds® Grow Diary Competition .





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