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Sweet Skunk F1 problematic plant




I grow this year Sweet Skunk F1 outdoors on 11lt pots..

From the pack of 4 seeds one of them was dead from the beggining, refused to sprout.


The other three are now and on the end of week 3.


But one of them is sick from the time had sprout with the same sickness that i saw last year one Dark Devil Auto,

witch finaly became 20 cm tall and made 5 gramms...


The other two plants are fine and growing well.


My soil and feeding program are Canna Terra.


Following the pictures to explain:

The sick one is this:



The other two healthy are those:



As is obvious, the plant 1 is soemthing wrong, and is not from me as all have the same treatment,

happened from the beggining when was spouted and i had the same problem with Dark Devil Auto last year.


It's unacceptable to buy from -wannabe- serious seedbank company and have those problems with seeds.


Last year From 4 Dark Devil Auto sprouted only two, one sick like this. And from 4 Cream Mandarines XL Auto just two sprouted.

Same things this year...?


I just express my dissapointment and if someone knows what is this sickness and (if any) solution to save this plant

Edited by Oberon
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This may be a virus problem. It is recommended that you disinfect your growing area and all objects.


In this pandemic situation, you can see how there are people who have the virus and show no symptoms and other people do have symptoms. The same thing can happen in plants.


Personally, I would try to disinfect the growing space, pots and tools. I would also try another brand of substrate. You may be using a contaminated batch.


Remember also that insects also carry viruses to plants. So if you have insects in the substrate or nearby, it can be a vector.


I believe that my colleagues have proceeded correctly. If you don't take our word for it, you can register on the Uk420 forum and ask the other users. Thus, you can have other, more impartial opinions.


We only try to help in a totally transparent way.


Kinds regards,


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