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Gorilla Girl F1


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Hi buddy! Welcome to our forum!


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Sweet smokes,

- Apolo

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Hey Apolo,


Should i be concerned about the humidity going up to 70%. She is beautiful and with solid buds in day 33 of flowering. There are Solid trichomes on buds and buds leaves. I cant wait to try her out.









Hi buddy!


As it is in full flowering, try not to raise the humidity. try to keep it around 40%-50%.


The problem with too high humidity is that you can have problems problems with fungus.


Sweet smokes,

- Apolo

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Thanks for the advice. I bought air dehumidifier and put it in the growbox. Now the humidity is under 50%. My next question is the temerature is around 28c, because the humidity dropped. Is around 28-29 ok or should aim for other temperature?


The 'normal' temperature is between 18º and 28º. While the optimum temperature is around 24º-25º.


If you don't go above 28º, you don't have to worry.


The humidity, try not to lower it too much. A dry environment accelerates the need for water and the oxidation of trichomes.


Sweet smokes,

- Apolo

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Thank you so much for the fast replies. Humidity ~50% Temp ~ 26C. Will keep you up to date with photos every week or two. Thanks Apolo!




Great! As long as the humidity is between 30%-50% and the temperature is around 26º... everything will be fine. :jump:



Best of luck for these last weeks! :okok:


Sweet smokes,

- Apolo

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you can change the size to 1024x1024 and upload it directly from the pc, or you can use another portal that will allow you to link the image to the forum.

In addition to not losing quality in the adaptation of the maximum size that the forum accepts when uploading the images directly.

This is the address of the free portal to store and link your photos to the forum without any problem. Greetings ..









Edited by juanbis
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi nera! :tiphat:


Thanks for the photos. The flowers seem to have the minimum maturity acceptable for an adequate harvest. But I would give it an extra 5 to 8 days, to get to the ideal maturity and for an additional bud fattening and powerful effect.



If you wait for a few more days, you're welcome to get back here and share a few more photos with us and we will update our opinion about the harvest time.


All the best with it and sweet smokes!:okok:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, and by the way, when you finally get to try the final result, please tell us about the aromas and effect ;)


Later, if you don't mind, we might move this thread to the indoor growing section, as after all it ended up as a quite nice grow diary :haha:


Sweet smokes :tiphat:



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  • 2 weeks later...

It turn out to be about 160-80 but due to the fact that i was harvesting during mid flowering and stressing her out i am not able to say an exact number. I harvested about 140g. I am using 150w led light and i am happy with this amount.


Taste and smell: It smells rly good. "Like something that i wanna smoke". With friends we had good laughts. I enjoy it as everyday stuff. I am planning on trying out gorilla girl.







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