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Green Poison®️



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Cheers mate!


Thanks for your message ;)


You have several options and they all depend on your personal preferences.



> Option 1


4 plants in 30 litre pots. With this you save in seeds and you have less plants, which sometimes is good because of laws regarding cannabis growing in some countries. With this you need to give them more vegetative time, so it takes more time from germination to harvest. You get better yield per plant but usually a lower yield in total. Having plants growing for a longer time, also increases chances of problems with pests. This option is good for LST or SCROG.



-> Option 2


9 plants in 18 litre pots. This is probably the most reasonable option. With this you can veg them for between 2 and 4 weeks, get a good yield per plant, good overall yield and they are ready much earlier than if you go with option 1.



-> Option 3


16 plants in 11 litre pots. Lower yield per plant. Higher overall yield. Only 10 or 15 days of vegetative time needed.



-> Option 4


25 plants in 7 litre pots. SOG style all the way. Lower yield per plant but usually the best overall yield. For sure, the best yield per week of growing. It can be done with 12/12 all the way, from germination to harvest. But you can also choose to veg them for 5 or 10 days. This option works great with clones and F1 Fast Version® can be used to select mothers and grow from clone. You spend more money in seeds but if you select a mother then you can save a lot of money, time and effort with this kind of SOG.



Now, as you can see, you have severa options and all can be good as long as they fit your needs and preferences. Personally, I would go with 9 plants, but only because where I live I tend to feel safer with less plants, or else I would go with option 4 without thinking twice, together with mother selection and growing from clone.


Thanks and kind regards,



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