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Very slow growth Auto Gorila Girl Xl

Раста Сад


9 answers to this question

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So sorry to hear about this. We will try to help you. but first we need to know some more, could you add more info about it? What kind of fertilizers (if you are using), watering frequency, temperature, hours of light, etc

Could you share more pictures with the others plants?


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46 минут назад Джейпп сказал:


Так жаль слышать об этом. Мы постараемся вам помочь. Но сначала нам нужно узнать еще немного, не могли бы вы добавить больше информации об этом? Какие удобрения (если вы используете), частота полива, температура, часы света и т. д.

Не могли бы вы поделиться другими фотографиями с другими растениями?


Thank you for your answer! Divine Grow Autoflowering fertilizers. The temperature in the box is minimum 21, maximum 26. Humidity 60% I water every third day. Coconut bio biz, with perlite. Light mode 18/6. Water pH 5.8. give in a week. Watered for a week, then began to feed.

photo ladies later, the girls are sleeping, they have a night)

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2 часа назад Джейпп сказал:


Так жаль слышать об этом. Мы постараемся вам помочь. Но сначала нам нужно узнать еще немного, не могли бы вы добавить больше информации об этом? Какие удобрения (если вы используете), частота полива, температура, часы света и т. д.

Не могли бы вы поделиться другими фотографиями с другими растениями?


I have been using these fertilizers since day 10. Before that, I watered


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Hi Раста Сад;)

Welcome to the forum!

The fertilizer you use seems too rich in K to use from day 10. But maybe that is not the problem, or the main problem. 

It would be important for us to see a photo of all the plants you have in that same place with the same conditions. Can you post a photo with the overall look?

The photos you share, one plant is in an AirPot (or similar) and the other one is in a SmartPot (or similar). Both seem too big to start a plant from seedling. It's possible to grow autoflowering strains in the final pots, but there are a few rules that might be taken into account.

What amount of water did you use each time you water the plants?

Thanks and kind regards,


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6 часов назад Томми сказал:

Привет, Раста Сад;)

Добро пожаловать на форум!

Удобрение, которое вы используете, кажется слишком богатым K, чтобы использовать его с 10-го дня. Но, возможно, это не проблема и не главная проблема.

Для нас было бы важно увидеть фотографию всех растений, которые у вас есть, в одном и том же месте с одинаковыми условиями. Можете ли вы опубликовать фотографию с общим видом?

Фотографии, которыми вы делитесь, одно растение находится в AirPot (или аналогичном), а другое - в SmartPot (или аналогичном). Оба кажутся слишком большими, чтобы начать растение из саженцы. В конечных горшках можно выращивать автоцветущие штаммы, но есть несколько правил, которые могут быть приняты во внимание.

Какое количество воды вы использовали каждый раз, когда поливали растения?

Спасибо и с уважением,


Hi, thanks for the reply. I will take photos later, the plants are at night. I sprouted 6 seeds of autoflower. When the seed hatched, I immediately planted it in 20 and 15 liter pots. in the pots was a new purchased coconut from bio biz. the coconut seems to be buffered, so I did not carry out any manipulations with it. Everything went well. I started watering from the first day with water. I watered every third day, but in general I watered as needed, looked at the ground. After 10 days I started to feed with fertilizers. And this is my result, the plants are 17-18 days old. I can assume that this is because of the coconut, since the equipment is top! 

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En 16/5/2023 a las 20:23, Раста Сад dijo:

On May 27, the plants will be a month old. I water 1 liter of water for two





Yes, as my colleague said, the problem is related to the use of fertilizer. 

You have given a very high input for such an early stage of the plant.

By using coco as substrate, it can be easier to have these problems with fertilizers. 

I don't like to be the bearer of bad news, but the plant is not going to develop well, since it has already been more than a month of growth and it is that size. 😞

If you are not going to continue with these plants, you can remove them from the substrate and check the state of their roots...



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If the truth is, if an auto plant does not manage to reach its size in the 4-6 weeks from its germination, it will no longer develop, to understand it quickly an 8-week auto will use half to grow and structure and the following ones to flower and that the flowering of the same is always proportional to the growth it has had. Just as they tell you without any fear and without wasting any more time, you throw away those plants that will not go anywhere. A trick for the coconut, as you already know, the coconut has nothing for which it must be fertilized in the irrigation continuously in flowering as in growth, To avoid transferring a small plant to coconut and what happened to you now happens to you or that you can burn them, after germination transfer it to a plastic cup, and in this glass instead of adding coconut you add albizz-type substrate and at the time of the transfer to coconut use the 1st watering with half the nutrient product of what Mark the manufacturer for an adult plant. Start little by little and you will see how the transferred plant responds sooner and more quickly. Regards.


Si la verdad si una planta auto no consigue coger su tamaño en las 4-6 semanas desde su germinación ya no va desarrollarse,para entenderlo rápido

una auto de 8 semanas utilizara la mitad para crecer y estructurarse y las siguientes para florecer y que la floración de las misma es proporcional siempre

al crecimiento que ha tenido.Así como ellos te dicen sin ningún miedo y sin perder mas tiempo desechas esas plantas que no irán a ningún sitio.

Un truco para el coco como bien ya sabes el coco no tiene nada por lo que hay que abonarlo en los riegos continuamente en floración como en crecimiento,

para evitar traspasar una planta pequeña a coco y que te pase lo que te ha pasado ahora o que puedas quemarlas,después de germinación pásala a un baso de plástico,

y en este vaso en vez de añadir coco añades sustrato tipo albizz y en el momento del traspaso a coco utiliza los 1º riegos con las mitad de producto nutriente de lo que

marca el fabricante para una planta adulta,Empieza poco a poco y veras como la planta traspasada responde antes y mas rápidamente saludos.

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